A downloadable asset pack

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This is the pack designed to serve as a boss in the game. Unlike other packs, this character comes with additional animations that include movement, making it an ideal choice for a formidable boss in your game.

The first attack animation could feature a sweeping swing to damage multiple targets.

The second attack animation might involve a leaping movement followed by a powerful ground strike, causing damage to multiple targets.

The final attack animation entails throwing a spinning sword that can inflict damage to as many targets as it encounters, ultimately returning to the owner.

Pack Features

- 1 Fully animation classed characters

  • 6 animations.
  • Flying Sword animations.

- 6  Color Schemes

- Frame Size : 128x128

- All sprites will be delivery as sprite sheet which is very easy to import to any Engine.Change Color easy with Aseprite

All SanctumPixel's Assets

Top Down Pixel Art Character Assets Bundle

Medieval Pixel Art Characters and Environments

Small Character Bundles

Effect Bundles

Change Color easy with Aseprite

Quickly add new color scheme for sprite sheet

What you can :

- Use this asset on your game and sell your game. Credits are welcome but not required!

What you can not :

- Resell the asset. Or edit then resell the asset!


Get this asset pack and 41 more for $141.00 USD
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$8.00 $5.60 USD or more

In order to download this asset pack you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $5.60 USD. You will get access to the following files:

lord_pack.zip 156 kB


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Love your assets :) one small question: do you plan to continue your side scroller theme?