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I love the artwork you push out as a whole, but the individual prices of these seem so high. Is this by design to get people to purchase the bundles? Even the bundles, while reducing half price on most items, seem extremely high compared to artwork pushed out by similar users here on the website.

Thank you for your compliment. the asset I released 5 years ago was sold at the same price and has been bought ever since. So i think this price is completely appropriate.

In the past year i have seen a trend of selling at extremely cheap prices of 1-2$. I think underselling  will be difficult for artists to have the motivation to continue drawing!

You make a reasonable case. I appreciate the response.

Thanks for understanding it.

hi sanctum... i cant buy any of your packs as there is only paypal payment.. please add credit card payment or contact me in discord: real_florianix

Yes, I contacted via discord. My discord is Jack.